What Is Intense Pulsed Light?

Intense Pulsed Light Treatments

Intense Pulsed Light

IPL is a light-based therapy used for hair reduction and Advanced skin treatments to improve the appearance of thread veins, acne and sun damaged skin.

IPL is a cosmetic skin treatment with a variety of uses. Remove unwanted hair from your body. Reduce signs of ageing and the appearance of scars. Minimise darker patches of skin and improve the appearance of acne and spider veins.

The treatment uses specific, filtered wavelengths of light to provide a range of effective treatments. IPL is different to laser based therapies that only produce a single wavelength of light and can therefore only treat a specific condition. Find out more below.

More About Intense Pulsed Light

 IPL uses cut off filters to provide a range of wavelengths. These cut off filters selectively filter out the unwanted wavelengths of light. The remaining light is then used to treat a specific structure.
IPL is a light based therapy that works by targeting structures within the skin such as melanin, blood, and water in collagen with wavelengths of light to breakdown the structure and improve the appearance of the skin
The SkinBase IPL can be used to treat a wide range of conditions successfully. Our therapists have had fantastic results from permanent hair reduction to acne.
For hair reduction most areas of the body will need between 6-10 treatments. Advanced IPL treatments such as acne or thread vein removal however may only require 1-3 treatments.
For darker skin tones, higher intensities can cause an uneven lightening effect. Your therapist will use a lower intensity treatment at all times on these skin types. Pregnant clients should not have treatments due to hormone changes in the body which may cause pigmentation. Those who have rosacea or extensive broken capillaries should also avoid microdermabrasion treatments because of the vacuum action. Rest assured, your SkinBase therapist will complete a thorough consultation prior to treatment to check your suitability for the treatment.

What Is IPL Hair Removal?

IPL wavelengths reach the second layer of your skin, the dermis, without harming the top layer – the epidermis. Using a handheld device, your therapist is able to target multiple wavelengths of light into your skin. When it’s used as a hair removal treatment, IPL uses light to heat your hair follicles in the desired area and prevents the hair from regrowing. Gentle pulses of light are absorbed by the hair root to destroy the follicle. The hair then falls out and you will experience hair reduction in that area.

Shaving can be time consuming and does not last long. On the other hand, with six sessions of IPL, 70% of hair growth can be prevented permanently.

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